如何選購空壓機 How to choose the air compressor
選擇適當的空壓機需考慮的因素大致分為九要點, 壓力、 排氣量、 電源、環保要求、安裝方式、冷卻方式、噪音值要求、控制方式、效率要求,空壓運用達人將會一一為您說明。
1. 壓力
  空氣壓縮機的排氣壓力(kg/cm²),除了以實際使用 的壓力為基準外, 還必須加上空氣在輸送管路及清淨化系統中的壓力損失。
管路壓力降:壓縮空氣在管路中的損失,就如同交通工具在道路上行駛,當路寬、筆直且距離短、少彎路,便能減少在交通時間上的消耗。一般管路的損失約為0.5 kg/cm²,壓縮空氣通常須經清淨化系統處理,透過管路進行熱交換的乾燥,或透過過濾器,進行清淨的程序,都會產生壓力降,大概是 0.3~0.5 kg/cm²(過濾器 + 乾燥機)。
2. 排氣量
活塞變位量:即理論排氣量,亦即為不計任何機械能的損失和效率因素,依學理上的推論,經過公式的計算而導出來的結果。一般而言,單段壓縮乘以0.65、雙段壓縮乘以 0.8則似於實際排氣量。因此,排氣量的選擇,應該考慮到以下幾點:
        (A)    目前的需求量(100%)
        (B)    可能的管路洩漏量(10%)
        (C)    將來的擴充計畫(20%~50%)
        (D)    使用的裕度(10%~30%)
1. 電源
2. 環保要求
3. 安裝方式
4. 冷卻方式

5. 噪音值要求

6. 控制方式
半自動式:利用自動釋荷閥(Automatic Unloading System)來控制空壓機的空車、重車。其作動原理為當系統氣壓力超過設定上限時,自動釋荷閥驅動溢氣活塞使進氣閥保持開啟而呈現空車狀態。
全自動式:利用壓力開關(Pressure Switch System)來控制馬達的運轉。當系統氣壓超過壓力開關設定壓力上限時,繼電開關離開,中斷馬達電源,空壓機停止運轉;當系統壓力降至設定下限,繼電開關接通馬達,空壓機繼續運轉恢復壓縮空氣。此方式適用供氣不頻繁之間續使用及較小馬力。
◆ 全/半自動選擇控制 - 建立控制系統視實際狀況來選擇控制方式。
◆ 全/半自動自動轉換控制 - 由微電腦控制系統視操作狀況機動選擇控制方式。
7. 效率要求
Choosing the most suitable air compressor according to the following nine factors: Pressure, air discharge amount, electric power, environment protection requirement, installation method, cooling method, noise restrictions, operating method, and efficiency requirement. Below are the details of the nine factors.
1. Pressure

Air compressor’s pressure for air discharge (kg/cm²) uses the actual pressure using as the benchmark. In addition, the pressure loss during the air flows through the cleaning system is also needed.

Pipe pressure decrease: The compressed air that was lost in the pipe, is similar to the traffic situation, when driving on a wide, straight road the time in driving will be lesser. General pipe’s loss is approximately 0.5 kg/cm². Compressed air is usually required to flow through cleaning system or filter elements, which would become dry and leads to decreasing the pressure, at the approximate amount of 0.3~0.5 kg/cm² (filter element & dryer)
2. Amount of Air Discharge

Actual amount of air discharge: It can be measured by using measuring instruments according to the amount of air output after the air compressing process.

Piston displacement amount: It is calculated according to theory calculations, without any data from the loss and efficiency measurements.  Generally, a phase compressor is multiplied by 0.65, while double phase compressor is multiplied by 0.8 in order to have the closest actual amount of air discharge. Therefore, there are 4 considerable factors for the theory calculation to be possible:
Current Requirement (100%)
Possible amount of pipe leakage (10%)
        (C) Future expanding plan (20%-50%)

        (D) Tolerance used (10%-30%)

As a conclusion, the amount of air discharge = (A+B+C) x (1+D). When the value of C increases, the value of D can decrease. It is noted that the standard of measurement is according to the actual amount of air discharge.

Other considerations:
1. Electric Power

Different models of motor required different electric power, usually it can be separate in two types:
Single Phase: Suitable for 110V, 220V. For safety, below 1hp uses 110V, above 1hp but below 5hp uses 220V.

Three Phase: Suitable for large hp machines with the voltage of 220V, 380V, and 440V.

Different countries have different ways of providing electricity, and also having different voltage, frequency, and restriction on electric using. While users are purchasing the air compressor, it is required to provide the types of voltage, frequency, and the amount of phase power users are using. Before performing, it is important to check whether the voltage using is the same as it is shown on the nameplate.
2. Environment Protection Requirement

With the different design of air compressors, it can be separate as with and without oil.

With oil: Oil is used to lubricate inner part of air compressor. Although it has a rarely little oil, but it is still perfectly fine for general industry users. For some industries, it is recommended to install filter for removing large amount of oil. It is required to change the lubrication oil for the first startup after few hours. Later on, the lubrication oil should be change constantly, and not to use bad quality lubrication oil for not damaging the parts. Please refer to the “Technical Manual” for the correct use of lubrication oil and changing routine time. It is suitable for: Iron, module, and general manufacturing industries.

Without oil: Parts for without oil models will lubricate itself by its own part design. Therefore, it will be 0% oil contain. It is suitable for: high precision industry, medical industry, food industry, semi-conductor industry, painting and coating industry. Models of air compressor that has oil with it, will contain problems such as slop oil, oil stain, and water with oil leaking. It is important to strictly follow the instructions and policies of environmental protection.
3. Installation

According to the situation, there are two options:

Portable: small air compressors are all portable with two or four wheels beneath for convenient in moving.

Fixed: big size air compressors are not able to move around due it its size, pipes organizing, noise and vibrations that it might cause. It is important to be aware of the fixed power and its horizontal surface.
4. Cooling Method

The following are the main purpose for cooling:

Decrease main part’s temperature for longer life span.

Decrease air discharge’s temperature for increasing performance of dryer.

Provide safe working environment, prevent from the machine overheat which may cause   accidents.

Water Cooling: cooling cycle tank is required. By using water’s flow to let cylinder and air discharge’s pipe having chemical reactions, which is high efficiency in cooldown that suits for large hp models.

Air Cooling: air that cool by fan flows to cause chemical reactions with cylinder and air discharge’s pipe is a simple design in cooldown. With its improving and better developing, both big and small hp models of cooling system is suitable.

Remark: Enough space and ventilation are the priority when installing. For the positioning, reciprocating type cooling fan and the wall should have a distance at least 30cm; screw type at least 1m, while at least 1.5m gap from the roof.
5. Noise

Several noise of air compressor cause from the following reasons:

Performance of Air Frame: during the process of compressing, high speed rotating, air inlet, air discharge, air flow, and cooling by the fan.

Motor: motor or engine.

Air Frame Unbalanced: Calibration incorrect or the horizontal surface wasn’t concerned while installing.

Leakage of Air Discharge: leakage from pipe or high air pressure’s flowing could also cause noise.

Different types of air compressor also have different noise results:

Freely open reciprocating type: the noise generated by the reciprocating movement of the piston is not blocked, and is spread to the environment with sound waves. Low hp’s noise won’t affect the environment, but big hp’s noise must be treated immediately.

Tank reciprocating type: although its inner part air frame is the same as the freely open kind, but its sheet metal was customized by using high quality materials to absorb noise, prevent vibrates, and ignores sound source.

Screw type: its performing method is different comparing to reciprocating type, so the audio frequency is different. Screw type is also design like tank kind, its sheet metal was customized by using high quality materials to absorb noise, prevent vibrates, and ignores sound source.

It is impossible to reduce to 0% noise condition. What we can do is to minimize the noise at our best, generally below 75 dB. In the condition of not many requirements are need for environment, freely open kind is the general option with its economic advantage. If the environment condition requires high restrictions, then tank kind would be the option that suits the most.
6. Operating Method

Different models and different usage operate differently, so that the performance and its life span can be maximize. Using small size with air cooling as an example, there are two types of operating method:

Semi-auto: by using the automatic unloading system to operates air compressor’s light load and fully load. It is when system’s air pressure is greater than the set maximum amount, automatic unloading system drives bleed piston makes the inlet valve open mode to make it as the light load.

Fully-auto: by using pressure switch system to operates motor’s performance. When system’s air pressure exceeds the set maximum amount, relay switch is no longer available, the motor’s electric power is stopped, and the air compressor stops performing; when the system’s pressure decrease to set minimum amount, relay switch will connect to the motor, and the air compressor will continue to perform. This method is suitable for less hp.

The following methods are somehow flexible in applying:

◆ Fully/Semi-auto choosing operation: create operating system depending on actual situation to choose operate method.

◆ Fully/Semi-auto automatic switch operation: Computer program will choose operation method according to actual situation.
7. Efficiency Requirement

Different models of air compressor have different designs and structures; Therefore, the pressure usage, amount of air discharge, and phase of compressing is different. To make it simple, we categorize into four categories:

Low pressure with low hp, use reciprocating kind.

Models below 10hp also with no noise, turbine or tank kind mute type would suits more.

20hp and above, please use screw type or water-cooling type.

For pressure with 12kg or above, please use 2 phase high pressure reciprocating type.